
黑皮猪 沙了得新规:偷窥妃耦手机属刑事作歹 或被判一年拘押

发布日期:2024-11-11 00:32    点击次数:82


黑皮猪 沙了得新规:偷窥妃耦手机属刑事作歹 或被判一年拘押


沙了得新规:偷窥妃耦手机属刑事作歹 或被判一年拘押


Spying on your spouse's phone in Saudi Arabia now carries a hefty fine and up to a year in prison, under a new law that aims to "protect morals of individuals and society and protect privacy".把柄一项旨在“保护个东说念主、社会说念德及阴私”的新法律黑皮猪,在沙特阿拉伯偷窥妃耦的手机现时将被处以渊博罚金,最高判刑一年。


"Married individuals planning to spy on their spouse in Saudi Arabia will need to think twice, because such an activity could potentially attract a fine of 500,000 riyals, along with a prison term for a year," a statement, released by the Saudi government on Monday, read.该国政府2日发表声明称:“在沙特,已婚东说念主士若要偷看妃耦手机,惟恐得三想。因为此举可能招来50万里亚尔(约合东说念主民币84万元)的罚金,以及一年的拘押。”

The punishment will apply to both men and women in the kingdom, according to the statement.把柄声明,这项管理对沙特的男性和女性均适用。

Called the Anti-Cybercrime Law, the measure makes "spying on, interception or reception of data transmitted through an information network or a computer without legitimate authorization" a crime.依据这则被称为《反收集作歹法》的法律,“未经正当授权,监视、截取或接收在信息收集或电脑上传播的数据”属于作歹当作。

"Social media has resulted in a steady increase in cybercrimes such as blackmail, embezzlement and defamation, not to mention hacking of accounts", the Gulf kingdom's information ministry said.沙特信息部暗示:“酬酢媒体导致勒诈、挪用公款、贬低以及入侵账户等收集作歹握续增多。”

A similar law on the books in the neighboring United Arab Emirates also bars the practice, carrying a minimum three-month prison term and 3,000 dirham fine.沙特的邻国阿联酋也明令辞谢偷窥妃耦手机的当作,对违犯者处以最低三个月拘押以及3000迪拉姆(约合东说念主民币5000元)罚金。

The oil-rich and tech-obsessed countries are among the most avid social media users in the world, but traditional values remain ascendant, even in courts.沙特和阿联酋石油资源丰富且热衷科技家具,两国的酬酢媒体用户是宇宙上最活跃的,但即使在法庭之上,传统价值不雅仍占优势。


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